Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Henry V Act I - II

We continue to see Shakespeare deftly develop Henry's character and shape the important themes of the play. In Act I the bishops tell us that Henry has changed. It's important to understand the context of the discussion to determine its believability. Henry has changed and that is proven when he responds to the Dauphin's tennis ball insult. He turns the mock back onto the Dauphin and uses it as a reason that he must invade France. The themes of God and Justification, Henry's Growth and his leadership are evident in these acts. Henry uses the Bishops and insult to claim that God is on his side. The Bishops and Henry's handling of the Dauphin's insult show that he has changed and all this supports the idea that he is a leader.

We see a rough side of Henry's character with the way he plays the traitors. We also see his strength and leadership in his decision to destroy the traitors even though they were his friends.

Finally, remember the roles the Bardolph, Nym, Pistol and Falstaff play as symbols of Henry's youth.

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