Humbaba and Gilgamesh
Gilgamesh is not only the oldest epic, it is the first "buddy" adventure. Gilgamesh and Enkidu are bored. Gilgamesh is also beginning to worry about his reputation and his mortality. He needs to have his named stamped in brick. So what do they do? Well, naturally, they go off to harass and slaughter some poor monster minding his business and guarding the Cedar Forest for Enlil, father of the gods. The second section tells us about their adventure to fight and kill Humbaba, Enlil's guardian of the Cedar Forest. They are helped by the god, Shamash. Off they go in this odd example of fear and bravery. In the end, they prevail with the help of Shamash. Even though he begs for his life, Gilgamesh decapitates Humbaba and gives the head to Enlil, who is very upset about their action. This sets the stage for the next adventure and the eventual death and quest.
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