Monday, February 05, 2007

Stages of Grief

Schema: What is your image of the afterlife? Mortality is a central issue in Gilgamesh, and one can see why with Enkidu's fearful dream of death. The first three texts we will read have death and the afterlife as important themes. Literature is the primary vehicle for passing on cultural values and a societies' view of the afterlife is very important to the way people lives their lives.

Nice work of the skits.

We reviewed Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross' Stages of Grief. It is interesting how we can see her theory and research in action in Gilgmesh. Gilgamesh experiences all the stages: anger at Enkidu's death, denial of his own mortality, bargaining to avoid the inevitable, depression, and then acceptance (we know this since we read he turned out to be a great king). Please note that not everyone reaches all the stages - many do not reach acceptance. As you experience life, you will meet and see people who never leave the denial, anger or depression stage. One reason to be aware of the research is to learn to accept the process and hopefully reach the final stage.

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