Schema: The Dreaded Chronology - as we read the Odyssey, we will continue to add events to the chronology and as they appear in the text, in medias res.
In medias res: Telemachus, Phaiakians, Calypso
Chronology: Troy, Kikones, Lotos Eaters, Cyclopes (Polyphemus)
Please note the number of times in the epic Homer points out how Odysseus's' men disobey him and how this leads to their deaths. The first example is with the Kikones. This explains why our hero has lost all his men.
The other reason he loses all his men is that Odysseus makes a mistake and reveals himself to Polyphemus, who curses him and causes all his travelling woes. He turns Neptune/Poseidon against Odysseus.
Also note how how Polyphemus is punished for his bad xenia. He is a host, stranger, foreigner. The final point is how crafty Odysseus is in out witting the Cyclopes.
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