Thursday, March 22, 2007


The books that all of you are diligently reading and presenting take place in a short period of time, some 48 hours. The concept of xenia as a tool to judge the quality and future of a character is fully realized. Loyal servant are always good xenos. To not be a good xenos is to not respect the gods and your masters, so you are disloyal. All these books present evidence that the suitors and bad servants should be punished.

Keep in mind the servants - Melantho, Melantios, Euryklea, Eumaeus. They are opposites of each other - the bad and the good. Their fates are tied directly to their actions - a universal lesson for all of us.

The actions of the suitors also lead to their destruction. The battle is a model of intelligence, skill, courage, loyalty, and divine intervention.

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