Monday, November 06, 2006

Monday, November 6, 2006

Quiz Wednesday (11-8) on material covered to date. This will include highlights from Canti I - IV, and a reading check on Canti V - VI.

Schema was SAT question of the day. Remember to look for pronoun antecedents to make sure they work.

We covered Canti III - IV. Remember the Acheron as the first river in the Inferno, and the odd Charon as its ferryman. Remember the inclusion of Pope Celestine V into the Vestibule of Hell. Please note that Celestine, while reviled by Dante, was made a Saint by the Catholic Church.
The souls are "eager" to go into the inferno since they have exercised their free will and chosen their path to darkness. This concept of free will is critical to this section and others. Free will, as I understand it, is the power of moral beings (us) to chose without physical or other restraints - there are no excuses. Canto IV is about Limbo and Dante meeting the great poets, who embrace him as one of their own. This concept of Limbo is controversial and confusing.

Satire, parody, irony, allegory, imagery are all important concepts to keep in mind while reading Dante (and for the quiz). For those who are interested, here is the Cagle cartoon link. I think there is an interesting connection to Dante's imagistic writing and today's political cartoons. In case you missed it, Dante starts his journey on Good Friday, the day Christ was said to be crucified, and will exit on Easter, a symbolic resurrection. Look for all the water images in the text - the archetype of rebirth.

Homework: Canti V-VI, complete organizer

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