Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Street sign in Florence with Dante quote.

This post's links are for information only - not required reading.

We began with a quiz on the Dante video and last night’s reading. A Block did slide 1 and B, C Blocks did slides 1-2. Keep in mind the importance of structure, order and numbers in the Divine Comedy, and the Inferno. Remember - you must list the books, Inferno, Purgatory, Paradise, in order, and the beasts, Leopard, Lion and She-wolf, in order. The number 3 is critical because of the Trinity and its parody, Dis, with his three hideous faces. 9 is the square of 3 and the number of rings in the Inferno. 100, the square of 10, is the number of canti in the Comedy: 33 + intro, 34 in the Inferno, and 33 each in Purgatory and Paradise. Also, keep in mind the concept of free will, which is important to the theology of Dante. It is the sinners who condemn themselves to the inferno, not God. Dante’s God is just but always offers grace, love and forgiveness. The horrors of the Inferno reflect Dante’s world of Florence and Italy; the physical torture a reflection of what he saw in his life. Keep in mind that as we walk with Dante through the inferno, it is Dante’s task (and ours, which is why he wrote the poem) to recognize that it is the sinners who brought this upon themselves.

We had Myth PowerPoint presentations today – good job by everyone.

Homework: Read Canto I and complete the organizer.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

where the information that we learn 2day at